Creativity in Deltarune

Make own decisions leads you to the light!

It's finally here! At long last...

I'm sorry I took long to prepare it, got distracted with other stuffs and lately I lost my entire progress on my main animation

Anyways, I'm here now and I'll try to work on the sheet as mych as I can!

deltatraveler chapter 32


I've abandoned development for a bit, but I'm slowly finishing everything. I think the first demo will be released soon, but for the intro i've made

My wrist hurts, but it was worth it to make these sprites.
(I'm going to make a different version facing right and without the pink in his hair.)

Phase 2 has one attack left to be made.



what did you do


Here is the fluffy boi!

I haven’t had much time today to make this due to some personal problems so it will probably show in the quality of the final piece but I hope you enjoy it regardless!

Vapor Valley Remake!

Check out the song for it on SoundCloud!



(sprite by @DumbLunixChan )

(placeholder music)